Friday, March 30, 2007

Can you tell the difference????

So yesterday I was looking through the New York Post and found an article written by Danica Lo about Diane Von Furstenburg suing Forever 21!! DVF filed a copyright-infringement lawsuit last week against Forever 21, claiming that the company copied the pattern, colors, and measurements of her design as well as another dress from the season previous.

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Can you tell the difference???? I surely can't!!!! Here's the link for the article if you wanna take a look..

Now, I can really understand DVF's beef with Forever 21 but there has always been brands remaking higher end brands designs. Yet, I would have been highly upset if I did spend close to $400 on a dress another spent 32 bucks. Diane wasnt the 1st person for this to happen to either.

Chanel's $995 Coco Cabas black vinyl bag 's replica can be found at for $75 from
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket Chanel
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Hey, the world copy's one another, that's how things work..

Well... I'm Out!

Stay Fly

Leslie Nicole

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